Sunday, December 13, 2009

just do it~

suddenly felt that very press when think about just left only 2 weeks to school reopen~
after christmas fest, then it's my time to taking mission imporssible again and again~
so so so...dont know how to describe that kinda feeling now...
11-12-2009 provisional result released out d....
luckily im stil 'alive' that i pass all subjet~
now just praying my cgpa will achieve higher than before...that is 3.14 and above..
ang kong po pi o^^
22-12-2009 really my panic day...cause real result will b release o...
dont know whats going to happen o...

hopefully it will be my very very very lucky life on the end of 2009~
dragon child on year 2009 was very unlucky through out the year, even in everything...
there was always unlucky thing happen by dragon child...
in 2010, dragon son must be well prepare to welcome the luckier year~
here im coming 2010~

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